India is a country which is rich in its diversity, tradition, culture, tastes, ethics and beliefs. As per the constitution, in its preamble it is stated that India is a secular country, which means that it does not follow a particular religion, or we can say there is no such thing as “National religion” in India.
Due to various religions, practices, and beliefs, India is beautiful and vibrant. However, sometimes people who lose their hopes due to certain events, or sometimes people who are manipulated by conmen, lose their rational minds and choose a path that can be dangerous not only for them but also for society.
The missions that are carried out by over-smart people target those people as an audience who are either backward or are in deep grief or a depressed condition. These acts that are carried out by such people not only prove to be a loss for the people who are dealing with them but also become a serious problem for society in some way or other.
Belief and disbelief are things that compliment each other in society.
The Maharastra Prevention And Eradication Of Human Sacrifice And Other Inhuman, Evil And Aghori Practices And Black Magic Act, 2013
As disbelief continues in society due to a lack of awareness and education, there was a requirement for a regulatory act to reduce false beliefs, killing, and other practises so they could be either stopped or penalised. As the scope of such notorious acts was not limited to frauds, but there were many other crimes that society had to face under that veil, such as sexual harassment, honour killing, and high-degree sacrifices with large sums of money involved, Maharashtra took the first step in framing such an act to regulate and control the said syndicates of Aghori practitioners.
We will be further looking at Why was such an act required? What all were the reasons that the government had to pass an act for such an issue? We will also be discussing the ambit of the act and its various sections in a very analytical way, and at the end, we will be discussing what all the changes are required and some more essential things.
Answering the “Whys”
State has Authority to make special laws for the enhancement of Backward communities in its region is provided by the Indian Constitution under Article 15.
Under which the Act for Black Magic was created. It is divided into various parts, the Part one clearly mentions that there can be no open practice and Advertisement of any kind of religious Baba or any Aghori in the province Maharashtra, Even if there is advertisement by someone spreading word about any Dharma guru, the punishment can be of imprisonment of min. 7 years.
The Act establishes special officer as a vigilance officer for the proper implementation and regulation of this Act, ensuring that the Act is properly followed in the Region by the means of Official Gazette. The Act established free hand to the officers to conduct regular searches for the detection of any infringement, the can seize any document or any objectionable item any time. This all defines that the special law has overriding power from the CrPC provisions of warrants and seizures.
After the whole collection of suspectable articles, the info should be provided to the Magistrate under section 6 of the Act.
The offence is triable by Metropolitan Magistrate or by Judicial Magistrate class I.
Burari: Massive Suicide Mystery
In Burari an area of Delhi a neighbour called upon police after not hearing from neighbour family, the news papers stayed outside & even the daily dairy assistance.
When the police arrived, it was found that 11 dead bodies were there in the entire house. The children, grandmother and the family members, hung themselves to the ceiling. Upon suspecting a record was found that there was an entire recording of what the suspecting grand father said, allegedly taking possession of his younger child from time to time. The entire investigation & the incident Shook India from its nerve, several paranormal investigators researchers, visited the site and at the end no substance was found and the case remained unsolved.
Cyanide Killing
Society has been a whole different level of Influence on the person of any community. India society can be considered with a whole different level of conservatism, biasness discrimination and Patriarchy.
After marriage it is expected by a family that, the couple should soon plan for a kid, or to extend family, but due to various physical conditions people can not bore a child, which soon becomes a huge pressure from people around and from the side of family, to solve such issues there can be various biological measures, and with some person-to-person conciliations, these issues can be resolved, but criminals find opportunities in these sensitive issues also. KD Kempamma a woman who was first convicted as serial killer murdered over 6 women, by befriending them at temples, all women were enable to birth a child, she projected herself as a pious woman, asked them to dress as bride, with ornaments and upon reaching the site of yagya, she was offered to eat prasad (offering by god) mixed with cyanide. As the women died the killer took all the ornaments and left the victims dead.
Dharm Gurus Emerging as Serious Offenders
Addressing superstitious beliefs and related incidents in India requires a comprehensive approach. While a special law might seem tempting, it’s crucial to promote education and critical thinking. Fostering scientific temper, raising awareness, and empowering communities can lead to the gradual dismantling of superstitions. Enacting a law might infringe upon personal freedoms and be challenging to implement effectively. Instead, focusing on education, promoting rationality, and encouraging open dialogue can pave the way for sustainable change, reducing unexplainable deaths linked to superstitions in the long run.
Author’s Name- Shivani Sharma (NRI Vidhyadaini institute of Sci. Mgmt. Tech. Bhopal)